
上週在寫長期投資是否值得信賴這篇文章時曾引用了巴菲特的 2013 致股東信,但和我記憶中的文字略有不同,所以我特別去查了一下近年來的致股東信,也去找了巴菲特寫給股東的信這本書翻了一下,發現巴菲特不只一次提到指數化投資,所以我把他歷年來有關指數型投資的談話做了整理,供大家參考。目的只有一個,雖然巴菲特被奉為股神,他的價值投資是大多數主動式投資人的投資指引,但他本人其實非常推崇指數化投資,也建議所有的投資人不要選股、不要擇時,而是要選擇低成本的指數型基金,讓資產跟隨股市和企業成長(當然也包含下跌),就可以獲得長期優異的報酬。


By periodically investing in an index fund, for example, the know-nothing investor can actually out-perform most investment professionals.


1996, 致股東信

Let me add a few thoughts about your own investments. Most investors, both institutional and individual, will find that the best way to own common stocks is through an index fund that charges minimal fees. Those following this path are sure to beat the net results (after fees and expenses) delivered by the great majority of investment professionals.


2003, 致股東信

Those index funds that are very low-cost (such as Vanguard’s) are investor-friendly by definition and are the best selection for most of those who wish to own equities.

那些收費非常低廉的指數型基金(例如 Vanguard’s),在產品設計上是非常適合投資人的,對於想要投資股票的人來說,收費低的指數型基金是最理想的選擇。

2004, 致股東信 (別人貪婪時要恐懼的出處)

Over the 35 years, American business has delivered terrific results. It should therefore have been easy for investors to earn juicy returns: All they had to do was piggyback Corporate America in a diversified, low-expense way. An index fund that they never touched would have done the job. Instead many investors have had experiences ranging from mediocre to disastrous. There have been three primary causes: first, high costs, usually because investors traded excessively or spent far too much on investment management; second, portfolio decisions based on tips and fads rather than on thoughtful, quantified evaluation of businesses; and third, a start-and-stop approach to the market marked by untimely entries (after an advance has been long underway) and exits (after periods of stagnation or decline). Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.

過去 35 年來,美國企業創造了極其優異的成績,股票投資人理當可以輕易地享受甜美的回報,只要他們以分散且低成本的方式投資所有美國企業即可,你只需要投資指數型基金就可以輕鬆辦到這件事,但絕大多數投資人的績效表現平平,甚至虧得慘不忍賭。


(最後就是巴菲特的名言) 在別人貪婪時你應該感到恐懼;在別人恐懼時你應該貪婪。 他的前提是,如果你不想要投資指數型基金,而真的想要試著擇時進出股市的話。

2007, CNBC 專訪


2008, 波克夏股東大會

「假設你只有30 多歲,有一份全職工作(沒有其他經濟來源),根本沒有時間研究投資;但是你已經有一筆儲蓄足夠維持一年半的生活開銷,那麼你賺到的第一個一百萬會如何投資?請告訴我們具體的資產類別和配置比例。」 巴菲特說:「我會把所有的錢投資到低成本的追蹤 S&P500 指數型基金,然後繼續努力工作。」

2013, 致股東信

這篇信不只提到低成本的指數型基金,也提供了他自己建議的資產配置 (90:10 股債比)。


These investors could have assured themselves of a good income for life by simply buying a very low-cost index fund whose dividends would trend upward over the years and whose principal would grow as well (with many ups and downs, to be sure).


2018, 十年賭約

十年前,巴菲特和一個叫 Protege Partners 的對沖基金打賭,看看十年後的績效誰會比較好,這場賭約提前一年結束,因為對沖基金落後 S&P 500 指數型基金太多。 長期來看,指數型基金會比絕大多數的專業投資者獲得更好的績效,無論這些投資者有多少輝煌的歷史、信譽或激勵機制。


~ what-Warren-Buffett-taught-me-about-investment ~


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